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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Competency 5: Advance Human Rights and Social and Ecomonic Justice

In our society exist oppression, discrimination, institutional racism, prejudice, ethnocentrism, sexism, classism, homophobia, ageism, xenophobia, social and economic injustice. Throughout the world individual human rights are violated. Social Workers have a prominent role in advocating and protecting  human rights. In the words of Frederic Douglas, "If there is no struggle, there is no progress." One of the reason I choose to become a Professional Social Worker is my vehement desire to bring change to those experiencing social and economic injustice. I believe that all people should have the same basic rights, protections, and opportunities.

While Studying social welfare policy I learned how social issues, like poverty, shape social welfare programs.  In Social Welfare policy 2, I was challenged by my professor to put my idealism and passion into action. Dr. Wright helped me to unleash my potential as a Student Advocate. I hosted a video recorded mini series called "Social Work Next." For 15 weeks I followed local, national ,and world news. I did extensive  research on  social issues such as teen pregnancy, foster care youth, homelessness, gay rights, immigration reform, and gender based income disparities. I also invited community leaders, social workers, advocates, and students to be interviewed on my show. I found this work to be very rewarding because I was able to raise awareness on social issues and network within my community. I will provide additional examples of ways in which  I have  promoted social and economic justice.

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